Thursday, 7 June 2012

Dog Day Afternoon

Tali: Dog Day Afternoon follows the (real-life) story of a bank heist in Brooklyn and the series of unfortunate events that follow. Specifically, if you think a bank robbery should take no time at all, imagine the hilarity and awkwardness and tension that amounts when the robbery is turned into a hostage situation/full blown circus and stretches out over the course of several hours. The twists and turns the storyline takes (as well as the character revelation and development) drive the story and make you watch to invest your time (as much time as possible) into the safe return of the hostages and the liberation of Sonny and Sal. Al Pacino is brilliant (as always) and special kudos goes to Chris Sarandon (who plays a doped up and terribly frightened pre-op Leon). Watch it and tell me if you found the same kind of humour in it that I did.

Leo: This was one of the most well-done "heist" movies I've seen mostly because it's actually realistic. Everything that can go wrong does go wrong and it throws some curve balls at you that you honestly would never think of. You would laugh if you weren't thinking "what the fuck ? ?                ? ? ? ?" every twist. Not that they were not believable, because it's a true story. Al Pacino is great, well, most of the acting was just great in this movie. All that needs to be said after seeing this movie is "wow". See it.

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