Tali: I don't know if I can sum this up in one sentence like I normally do, but here we go: Interstellar is, in essence, about how space travel is just as mind expanding, powerful and important as deep, eternal love (there, I said it). What can I say? This fim was JAM PACKED - from start to finish I barely exhaled. A truly thrilling and exhillerating ride, Interstellar tells many stories and has many different philosophies and and ideas. Though it certainly has its faults, Interstellar is a movie that is hard to forget. With all that being said, there is just something about it that it misses, and for that reason (and without giving you any spoilers), I can sense that it won't be a huge award season contender. 85/100.
Leo: After finally getting out to see this movie, all I can say is that I'm glad. Christopher Nolan has this way with movies that he almost always makes you think in a spectacularly entertaining way. This movie had so many, almost too many, interesting-but-dangerous topics to delve into. The one obviously crazy topic is the science. I appreciate that Nolan did the best he could to make it plausible and when he couldn't make it plausible, he at least made it cool. I also thought it was smart of him to sort of "glaze over" those details of the science that made you suspend disbelief (no spoilers required - you know what I'm talking about). There was no dwelling on those scenes. The real science on the other hand is really cool. If you're unfamiliar with dimensions and shit, here's a cool video on imagining 10 dimensions (no spoilers or anything to the film). The time-relativity and age-gaps are always going to make heart wrenching scenes between family and friends who aged differently due to space. I will say, I do understand how some people would not totally love this movie because it's intellectual reach is immensely high and it sort of cops out before it gets there. That being said, if you're interested in the science, that thought probably won't even be on your mind. Not quite as good as Inception, but still one of Nolan's great movies. Leometer: 87/100.
P.S. I stopped reading that list of faults at #1 since it implies the only way to have beer is with wheat. What kind of sad life does the person who wrote that list live if they've only heard of wheat beer??
P.S.S. I lied, #20 is legit.
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