Saturday 11 February 2012

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Tali: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (ELIC) follows the trials and tribulations of Oscar, an ecentric (and likely autistic) boy who lost his father in 9/11 and attempts to make sense and order out of chaos and confusion. The film attempts to make 9/11 and its effects a personal manner, rather than focusing on the event as a national tragedy. As a result, I found myself not feeling as overwelmed - mostly due to the nature of Oscar; I found him quite annoying and almost too bratty to be given any sympathy. Not to sound heartless, but the film made me cry a heck of a lot less than I was expecting. Sandra Bullock delivers as usual, but is overshadowed by Thomas Horn (Oscar) whose otherwise crazy behavior often overshadows the depth and despair of the other characters. Politics and manners will make this a contender for Best Picture. Not the worst film, but definitely not all it could have been.

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