Wednesday 29 February 2012


Tali: Warhorse is a period drama centered around different facets of WWI - from the English side, to the German trenches, to observers and everyone in between. However, the focus of the film is the horse (Joey) and its triumphant journey across Europe after it is sold to the army to pay for a failing farm. I was not at all interested in seeing this movie - I had heard it was a waste of two and a half hours (if it wasn't nominated for Best Picture I would never have given it a chance). I have to admit, however, that the film is not that bad. As a viewer you want for Joey to go on and eventually be reunited with his owner/pal. However I felt that the use of humour and mythology surrounding the horse (allowing it to 'speak' and response to the people actors) seemed a bit juvenille and distracting, which essentially took away from the epicness of the film. If it wasn't a Speilberg picture it wouldn't have been nominated. And what's with that goose?!?!

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