Monday 12 March 2012

The Descendants

Tali: The Descendants is a dark comedy staring George Clooney and centers on his character Matt's struggle to parent to (slightly out of control) daughters (Alex and Scottie) while dealing with a cheating wife who is in a coma. I do not know why I didn't see this film sooner - I felt very captivated by the story, the character's pain and development and oddly felt a part of the story and wanted to keep watching and discovering (which is probably the mark of a good film). I would have to disagree with Leo (see below) and argue that the revenge/closure plot Matt and Alex go on was very moving, troubling, sad and exciting all at the same time. Very touching film, but definitely not Best Picture worthy.

Leo: The Descendents was a very....interesting film. It was set up like a comedy, but it was more like a, well, comedy with one “holy balls” moment when it’s revealed that the wife was cheating.  Both the acting and dialogue were excellent, especially the older daughter and George Clooney. The plot was very plain since the cheating was revealed, and it felt like that could have even been the climax of the movie, but it was in the first chunk. Still, it’s definitely up there with other top dark comedies.

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