Friday 2 March 2012

The Artist

Tali: The Artist is a French romantic film set in 1920's/30's Hollywood and follows the rise and fall of a silent film star. Of course, the buzz around this film is that it is (almost completely) silent. As a fan of the studio era of Hollywood, I found this homage to classic cinema completely refreshing and very entertaining. Everything from facial expressions to the score were perfectly orchastrated and executed exquisitely. Everything about this movie was solid gold right down the amazing performance of Uggie the dog (people are actually mad that he did not get nominated for anything)! Unfortunately I watched this film with a group of people who were not as enthusiastic about the film as I was and this definitely had an impact on my viewing pleasure. After the Oscar's I will be watching this film again to catch anything I may have missed. (and probably many more times after that... just cause).

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