Tali: Zero Dark Thirty is a political drama that examines the nitty gritty of political bureaucracy and (aggressive) action taken in the years leading up to the finding/killing of Osama Bin Laden. I happened to really, really like this film. Independent of the politics surrounding it (if that's even possible), this was incredibly suspenseful and the acting was stupendous. LOTS has been been said about this movie's use of torture, whether the movie is partisan, etc etc. All you really need to know is that this film is well done - not only do I believe it to be a fairly accurate representation of the inner workings of the CIA, I felt it was done tastefully and and appropriately. AS A NOTE: If you really want to read about the CIA's use of torture (and how it gets covered up), I highly suggest you read Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine, as well as anything Amy Goodman has ever written. And then go see this movie.
Leo: Having heard a billion reviews before seeing the movie, I tried (and I think successfully) went in with a relatively open mind. The torture does not seem too ridiculous (though maybe the characters attitude towards torture can be seen as a little exaggerated). The acting was amazing and the first part of the movie was not as slow as I had expected it to be. I really enjoyed watching the movie and it succeeding in making you want Bin Laden to get caught for her if not for the country. The end of the movie, well, I just had too many problems with it to consider this "best picture-worthy" though I don't doubt its success has always been hinging on the politically driven Academy in the first place. The leading up to Bin Laden being shot was very suspenseful and well-done, however; the aftermath was, to put it simply, stupid. There was nothing else suspenseful that was going to happen with the film so it was so obviously desperately grasping for suspense. For example, the pilot blowing up the helicopter almost slipped! OH MY GOD HE ALMOST FELL 6 FEET THAT'S SO GRIPPING I CAN'T KEEP MY EYES OFF. Not only was it inconsequential but it was just so forced that it made the entire ending of the movie off-putting. To make it worse, they then fabricate another "almost" self-made disaster when they are going to blow up the helicopter as the other one comes. I also miss the gripping CIA-style pursuing scenes (though there was one) that are so common in this genre and make it exciting to watch. This was a good political thriller, I like the story and movie-styling better than The Hurt Locker, however it was missing the feeling and suspense. Still, amazing movie and Jessica Chastain is the next big thing.
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