Tali: Life of Pi tells the incredible story of Pi, a young man who after a devastating shipwreck, becomes stranded on a lifeboat with a tiger (whose name is Richard Parker). Overall a pretty good movie! Leave it to director Ang Lee to take a movie with little to no dialogue and make a mesmerizing and visually stunning film (has anyone else seen Brokeback? Those mountains..!!). There seems to be a trend in Hollywood lately where movies are released where we know the ending already. In case you didn't know, this movie is based off of a popular novel (which I haven't read, so I cannot compare the two). This did not spoil the movie, however; there was just enough suspense and fantastical elements to keep you entwined in the story, wanting more.
Leo: I really enjoyed Life of Pi as a spectacle and intellectually pleasing movie. It was fun to watch the relationship grow between Richard Parker and Pi as they fought to survive (the elements and each other). The part with the middle-aged Pi and the author was kind of boring though it was kind of necessary. Ang Lee's movies are always epic in terms of visuals (Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon most of all). I can't quite place why it wasn't my "favorite" movie, because it was an amazing movie that I have little criticism of, but there wasn't anything that really "hit" me hard enough to leave a significant mark even if it was very well done and executed. This is a must see.
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