Tali: Captain America TWS is the second installment of the Captain America series in the Marvel Universe. Taking place in sequence with the other character movies (in the aftermath of the Avengers film), Cap/Steve Rogers (hubba hubba) is trying to find his place in the modern world--when something goes wrong with S.H.I.E.L.D. and all bets are completely off. I can honestly say that I have never been more blind-sided by a film (and I won't be spoiling it for you here), and it left me absolutely speechless in the best way possible. Coupled with the tie-in of the Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. TV series, this is perhaps the most unbelievable and exciting Marvel movie yet. Leo and I haven't stopped talking about it even a week later! 90/100.
Leo: Marvel constantly breaks down any ceilings put in place for the "superhero" genre and it's really exciting to be part of the "age of the super hero movie" when they turn out like this. This movie not only blows your mind with plot twists that make your head want to explode, but it has incredible action sequences and great performances by the supporting cast (Samuel L. and Scarlett Johansson ("hubba hubba")). The movie was not only good in its own right but it created one of the most craziest weeks in terms of TV/Movie I have ever seen and it is still not over. The sky is the limit and I just cannot wait for the next movies to build on this. Marvel is selling a story to me and I am completely invested in it. 95/100.
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