Sunday, 21 June 2015

Mad Max: Fury Road

Tali:Mad Max: Fury Road tells the story of an Apocolyptic time where resources are scarce and crazy cult leaders and their even crazier followers run wild. I was very reluctant to see this movie--it just screamed macho-overload, despite the oodles of feminist praise it was receiving in some circles. Never the less, I went, and boy, I was surprised. YES, this movie is a fast paced, edge of your seat, entertainment overload rollercoaster ride. NO, this movie is not what feminist dreams are made of. Never the less, it was a great escape, and even with its intensity it left me feeling really good about the decision to see it. 85/100.

Leo: I was looking forward to seeing this movie for basically the opposite reasons of why I loved it. I was expecting a mindless action movie, more or less, and got much much more. The culty spirit, hilarity, and self-aware absurdity (the electric guitar guy made it) gave the "war boys" a crazy likeable villainy aspect. The fact that the movie was called Mad Max did not detract from the fact that he was barely the main character, and I liked that about the movie. He's the kind of person who can easily reoccur but not that takes over a movie. Charlize Theron was excellent in her part and in general the women, at least I felt, were the focus of the movie and I think that says a lot (in a positive way) about the evolution of a top quality action movie. Speaking of action, I think the psychological and sociological praise of the movie should NOT detract from the insane, chaotic, and somehow still organized action sequences. I would rank this movie as one of my favourites in a long time. Leometer: 96/100.

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