Tuesday, 25 June 2013

This Is the End

Tali: This Is The End is the latest comedy from writer/direct/star Seth Rogan (and his writing pal Evan Goldberg) about a group of celebrities trapped together in a house while the world is on the brink of Apocalypse. Playing hilarious fictionalized versions of themselves, these guys definitely know how to make an audience laugh - I was literally in stitches from the first "buddy" scene, where Jay and Seth unwind after his flight. I laughed from the beginning to the end - it is certainly one of the best comedies I have seen in a long time and I would recommend it to most people. Michael Cera steals every scene he is in, leading you to instantly think "sippy time" whenever you reach for a juicebox.

Leo: This movie was exactly what this comedic group of friends needed after various duds (ie. green hornet, oz, etc) throughout the years after their early on successes. They realized that THEY are funny more so then they are able to write clever jokes. The hilarious physical comedy with the hilarious banter within the group of friends was just, well, hilarious. I hate Michael Cera because he plays that same stupid character every movie but in the short while he was in this movie it was amazing. The Exorcism of Jonah Hill and the Pinapple Express 2 were brilliantly terrible and I laughed throughout the whole movie. I gotta go, though, it's sippy time.

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