Tali: Blue Jasmine is Woody Allen's latest dramedy. It tells the story of Jasmine (Cate Blanchett), who after a messy series of events, goes to live with her sister Ginger in San Fransisco, and tries to piece her life back together. Like all of Allen's films, the dialogue is incredibly rich and exciting and deeply personal. Everything is perfectly in its place and excruciatingly calculated. No matter what, I always find some part of myself, no matter how big or how small, relating to at least one of the characters in Allen's films. Blanchett is brilliant in the title role, giving Jasmine humanity even when you find you may hate her phoney and uppity attitude. It was good to see Bobby Carnavale unleashing some of his Boardwalk Empire attitude in this movie (and his soft side, too), as well as the return of hunk Peter Saarsgard. NEW: Tali-meter - 89/100.
Leo: Cate Blachett is an absolute genius. After watching this movie I can't believe that all I really cared about of her previous movies was Lord of the Rings. She stole the show and really got every detail and emotion from every scenario perfect, even though she was dealing with a somewhat complex character. The dialogue with the supporting cast was also very well-done. This movie essentially just screams "well-done". My one problem with the movie was certain plot points. Lots of events that simply had to happen for the sake of advancing the story felt very forced. If you don't want to read a spoiler, don't read on. Specifically the part where Oggy just so happened to randomly walk by the exact store that Jasmine and Dwight were window shopping at (if you're picking out a ring, you're probably going to look inside the store????) - yes, the EXACT store out of hundreds, on that street corner, at that EXACT time, in a humungous city where they clearly live in different parts of town.....I think you get the point. That didn't take away too much from the movie considering the performances.New: Leometer - 85/100.
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