Thursday 26 January 2012


Tali: I have to admit that the only reason I saw this film was because it was nominated for Best Picture at the 2012 Oscars. I did not want to see a film that was based around sports and math (my two least favorite things). Needless to say I watched the film with an open mind. And honestly.. I wasn't that impressed. Jonah Hill is nominated for Best Supporting Actor (say what?!) and he falls flat for most of the film.. despite the fact that his characters genious is what propels the Oakland Atheletics baseball team into the limelight and MLB history. If you're expecting a feel good underdog story, look elsewhere.

Leo: I hate baseball but I also hated facebook and still loved "The Social Network". In the same way, I really liked Moneyball. It's incredible to see what pure intelligence can accomplish in an (arguably...) athletic game of sports. I honestly don't have much to say about it other than that. It was a great feel good movie. The acting wasn't "amazing". Nothing was really "amazing" except for the premise, which I already covered. I think it's what got the movie nominated, I hope it has some success. But not too much.

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