Tali: In the second installment of the Thor franchise (and the ever-expanding Marvel universe), we meet up with Thor, Loki and Jane and her team in a post-"New York" world. In this story, Thor is commissioned to recover and destroy the Aether, a powerful Asgardian energy source. What makes this Marvel film interesting, as compared to dozens of superhero movies that came before it, is the insane character development and repeatability that ensues in the stories, no matter how fantastical they become (Loki mourning his mothers death in the cell? Incredible!) Jane is obviously devastated in a too-girly way of her "break up" with Thor, though this portion of the storyline is thankfully squashed in some parts due to more pressing matters at hand. All in all a very entertaining and good movie to watch, but there was something missing, something I just can't quite put my finger on it, that left this movie certainly not as good as the first one. 80/100.
Leo: Before I say anything specific to this film, I do want to say that Marvel has, perhaps unintentionally, created one of the best systems of entertainment. No matter what happens (to an extent) in the movies, fans and non-fans alike have fallen in love with the Marvel universe rather than each specific story. They could have a rather decent movie still be a must-see simply due to the overarching plot. Not that Thor is one of those "decent" movies, it just certainly does not fulfill it's potential, but I guess I didn't care. The problem with it lies unexpectedly, with Natalie Portman and the character Jane Foster. She was just a wet rag damsel in this movie and though that hasn't been a theme in the avengers movies, I do not think it's something that's necessary. I wish they spent more time on Jane and Sif's somewhat competing relationship with Thor. Still, the movie's overarching plot was incredible. Loki saves this movie from mediocrity because if the characters immense depth and ability to not only fool Thor and his enemies, but to fool the audience too. Loki is in my opinion the best and most developed villain in a movie/series and is (ironically) currently carrying the Thor franchise. See this movie because you a) have to in order to understand the furthering of the Marvel universe plot and b) you will still like it. Leometer 73/100.
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