Sunday, 1 December 2013

Don Jon

Tali: Don Jon is the writing/directorial debut of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who plays the title role in this sexy dramady. You know the drill - he's addicted to porn, he's dating Scarlett Johansson (who is hilarious in the role of Barbara, who is attempting to live out her own rom-com fantasies) and there is something about Julianne Moore (isn't there always - she's so great!). The movie has a lot of good things to say about porn, its relation to our sexuality and to sex itself... but I have to admit, I didn't find the movie as funny as everyone else! There were a lot of moments I felt to be incredibly stoic and at times very full of emotion and sincerity. Bitch Magazine does an excellent review of the film, though you should see it for yourself, don't think too hard or take yourself too seriously (my biggest problem) and enjoy! After you watch it though, sit back and reflect upon the humour and decipher the message behind it. 75-100.

Leo: Don Jon was a romcom that seemed to have its humour (apparently, read: above) aimed at a general "guy" audience rather than the traditional girly girl. I guess that is why I liked it so much? Or maybe it was just Scarlett Johansson (who's Jewish :D). This movie had a lot of references that you probably just don't understand unless you do typical "guy"-labeled things such (cough) as use those porn websites and the infamous "guys talking about girls" situation that girls probably don't understand or know exists. But I do, and admittedly, the jokes are more "funny because it's true", which would explain why some people may not find it funny. This movie also comes with a message at the end that's kind of sappy, but it isn't overkill and I appreciated the unconventionality of it. If you want to "convince" someone to see a "chick flick", see this movie and you'll end up enjoying it. Leometer: 84/100.

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